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Build Towards Healing
You the Healer.
You the Healer
Our health as a nation is declining. In addition, it is becoming increasingly clear that allopathic medicine has come to a plateau in its efforts to stem the tide of degenerative disease. As a result, mind-body medicine is a very big topic for the new millennium. You the Healer offers a guide that can help you and your loved ones to live a healthy life.
Discover the Power Within You.
Discover the Power Within You: A Guide to the Unexplored Depths Within
Eric Butterworth sees the divine within us all to be a hidden and untapped resource of limitless abundance. Exploring this "depth potential," Butterworth outlines ways in which we can release the power locked within us and let our "light shine." "There is only one way under the sun by which a man can achieve his 'Mt. Olympus' -- that is to say, achieve the realization and unfoldment of his own innate divinity -- and that is by bringing about a radical and permanent change for the better in his own consciousness," writes Butterworth. Butterworth demonstrates that the existence of this divine dimension in each individual is the greatest discovery of all time. He explains the universality of such vital subjects as: how to succeed; how to pray; how to find confidence; how to overcome personal problems; and how to find healing.
Coping with Depression.
Coping with Depression
by Siang-Yang Tan & John Ortberg
Understanding the ABCs of emotional life-Affect, Behavior, and Cognition-can shed light on the causes of depression. In this revised and updated edition of Coping with Depression, the authors look carefully at the ABCs, showing how your thoughts affect the way you feel and describing how each dimension is linked with depression. They balance the spiritual dimension of approaching depression with the most recent scientific research and offer highly practical and proven strategies for coping. If you suffer from depression or know someone who does, you will find encouragement and help in this reassuring book. This book is built on state-of-the-science understanding, state-of-the-treatment tips from therapy, and state-of-the-spirit nurture of the whole person.
Psychology and Christianity.
Bouncing Back.
The Emotional Life.
The Emotional Life of Your Brain: How Its Unique Patterns Affect the Way You Think, Feel, and Live—and How You Can Change Them